Youth Ensembles

St. Luke’s on the Lake Episcopal Church

Sunday December 12, 2021
5600 Ranch Rd 620 N. Austin, TX 78732

ACG Youth Camerata

Open: I
Travis Marcum

Les Deux Jumeaux
Le poisson qui sait (The Fish that Knows), La grand’bête à sept têtes (The Beast with Seven Heads)
Joseph V. Williams II

The Fading Shore
David Crittenden

Aaron Baldauf 

Isaac Albeniz, arr. Barrueco

ACG Youth Orchestra

El Gato Montés
Manuel Penella (Arr. E. Thorlaksson)

“Allegretto Theme”
Ludwig van Beethoven (Arr. T. Marcum),  Conducted by Aaron Baldauf 

Brandon Carcamo

Magnetic Trance from Mosaic Variations
Clarice Assad

ACG Youth Camerata

Stephen Krishnan, Conductor

Betsy Bartol, Kritanko Chakraborty, Elise Garza, Dylan Glikman, Ved Matai, Braeden Meade, Jake Miller, James O’Malley, Emily Piper, Elizabeth Smith, Lily Steinhauser, Andrew Swierk, Tate Rhee, John Rivas

ACG Youth Orchestra

Joe Williams, Conductor

Jay Campanell, Besa Carney, Ayame Castel, Satvik Chawla, Sadhana Kumar, Allen Liu, Nate Mackintosh, Sydney Piper, Regan Sims, Michael Vetter, Zara Terrazas-Graham

Learn more about Youth Ensembles here.

Coming Up at ACG…

In Person at The Rosette

Welcome to our new home: The Rosette, a 100 seat listening room and broadcast studio nestled in the historic Hyde Park neighborhood in Central Austin. Created in partnership with Alamo Drafthouse, The Rosette is named after the ornate mosaic design surrounding the sound hole of every guitar and is built for unforgettable experiences.

Saturday evening performances will also be live-streamed, click here for tickets and more information.

Austin Now

In our Austin Now series, artists and composers collaborate to create concert experiences especially for our time. This unique programming can only be found at ACG and features the premieres of new works, fresh ideas, and celebrates our community.