ACG Music & Healing brings human connection, beauty, and expressivity to individuals facing isolation and challenge, through collaboration with a skilled and trained ACG Artist. These services are available to a wide variety of clients through partnerships with more than a dozen social service providers including hospitals, shelters, residential rehabilitation facilities, parental education and family health organizations, and veterans service providers. Learn more about ACG Music & Healing.


One of our Music & Healing artists, Shayna Sands, recently completed a song with a wonderful woman named Liz and we’re so excited to share it with you! 

Shayna shared,

Life Never Ends formed in an organic way as Liz shared some of her recent findings from her journey. She talked about scenes and moments of revelation; moments of presence that captivated her, and the lessons each experience taught her. I learned so much from Liz’s wisdom and insight. She was inspired and found a talent within herself for the art of song. I am so grateful to have been a part of it and even more thrilled that she sang lead vocals on the recording!”

Listen here: