May Membership Drive

2019 May Membership Drive

We’re dedicating our 2019 May Membership Drive to ACG’s Assistant Director of Education Jeremy Osborne, in recognition of his 10 years of service.

Jeremy is amazing.

He is the member of our team who spends the most time in schools all year round directing classes, teaching kids, and—most of all—helping teachers to be successful.

His work with youth in the juvenile justice system was featured in a PBS Newshour story. One of his students from that program constructed an amazingly detailed, full-size replica of a guitar completely out of paper as a gift for his teacher (read the story here).

With his unfailing patience, kindness, and compassion, Jeremy has touched the lives of countless people in our community – kids, teachers, his co-workers, and virtually anyone he comes in contact with.

If Jeremy has made an impact on your life or the life of someone you know, we’d love to hear about it! You can include a note in the comment section of the donation form below, or email James Fidlon. View his appreciation page here.