Liz Cass

Secretary, ACG Board of Directors

Liz Cass, mezzo-soprano, is an active operatic performer, founder and Executive Producer of the award-winning LOLA, and holds the position of Executive Director of the Armstrong Community Music School. In addition, Ms. Cass serves as the President of the Seagle Music Colony Alumni Association board, as Secretary on the board of the Austin Classical Guitar, and as a member of the KMFA Community Advisory Board.  

Recent performance highlights: Schumann-Cass Cabaret for the Austin Chamber Music Festival, Mezzo soloist in Beethoven’s Missa Solmenis with the Georgetown Festival of the Arts, Dinah LeFarge in LOLA’s Lardo Weeping, by Peter Stopschinski and Terry Galloway, Mezzo soloist in Graham Reynold’s opera Pancho Villa; From a Safe Distance, with performances in Austin, Vancouver, NYC, Seattle and Los Angeles, The Brahms Alto Rhapsody with Chorus Austin, mezzo soloist in Handel’s Messiah at the Teatro Nationale and Casa Santo Domingo in Guatemala City and Antigua.

Upcoming projects include: Concerts with LOLA in Austin and West Virginia, Giovanna in Rigoletto with Austin Opera, Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas in collaboration with LOLA and Panoramic Voices and Lardo Weeping.