Gratitude for Jeremy Osborne’s 10 Years with ACG

Jeremy Osborne has spent the last ten years at ACG making magic with music in classrooms. The following is a collection of thoughts and memories from the students, colleagues, teachers, and parents who have been touched by his compassion and spirit over the years.

If you would like to make a gift in Jeremy’s honor, click here.

Kim Andersen, the AISD Alt Ed Satellite Campus School Counselor:

Jeremy with the paper guitar, a gift from one of his students at Gardner Betts

“ACG has been a wonderful part of Gardner Betts for about a decade now. What started with Travis passed to Jeremy and most recently to Javier. Jeremy represents everything I’ve seen in ACG: talent, persistence, respect, and honor. He does his job with a tenacious smile. I can tell you first hand that working with these boys isn’t always pretty, but it is always worthwhile. I have never heard Jeremy complain. He always has praise for his boys. In my years at Gardner Betts, I have rarely worked with anyone more deserving of recognition than Jeremy. May we all enjoy what we do as much as he does.”

Jack Wolfe, ACG Board Member:

I appreciate Jeremy’s talent, dedication, passion and compassion in his interactions with his students.   He is effective and he really embodies our mission at ACG every day.

Cathy Bennett, Former Director of Guitar Studies at Akins High School:

Cathy, Travis, and Jeremy

Celebrating the 10 years of Jeremy Osborne’s collaboration with ACG. What an amazing gift he is to so many people! His smile is infectious and so is his big heart. Jeremy Osborne is exactly the kind of role model young people need in their lives.

Some words that come into my mind when I think about Jeremy are: compassionate, humble, musician, teacher, friend, listener, patient, loyal, funny, creative, motivator, kind, genuine and the list goes on and on.

Thank you Jeremy, for sharing your love of music and of life with so many young people over the past 10 years. I am truly honored to call you my friend.

Travis Marcum, ACG Director of Education:

Jeremy inspires.

For ten years, Jeremy has (as he likes to say) made a 60-mile loop around the city of Austin, visiting guitar teachers and students, helping them grow. He puts his nose down and works tirelessly. From the very first day, Jeremy shows his students that he would do anything for them. At Gardner Betts Juvenile Justice Center, Jeremy builds trust with young men that have long decided never to risk trusting again. He shows thousands of students and teachers each year what it means to be an artist and a friend.

Jeremy loves the guitar, but more so … he loves people. Kindness, integrity, and dedication are the words that come to mind when I think of Jeremy. He has been an invaluable cornerstone to the Austin music education community for 10 years. We are so proud of the teacher and person he is. Thank you my friend.

Some of Travis’s favorite Jeremy photos from their two-decade friendship.

Justice Phillips, Music Composition Graduate of UT-Austin:

To say that Jeremy Osborne has had a profound impact impact on my life would be a gross understatement. Obviously Jeremy is an outstanding human being that is kind, intelligent, funny, and very personable. But, I want to focus on how he has impacted me as a musician because as I prepare to graduate college and begin my next chapter in life, I find myself asking how did I get here as a musician? Where did it all begin? Every time I find myself thinking those things, my mind takes me to one person, and that is Jeremy Osborne.

I honestly don’t know if I would even be a musician without Jeremy, and that is a scary thought to have considering a big part of how I identify myself as a human being is as a musician. I remember the moment where my true love of music started, and it was in 7th grade on the car ride to Brownsville, Texas for the Guitar Ensemble Festival and Competition that occurs there annually. I had the fortune of riding with Jeremy on the way to Brownsville, and he was listening to his metal CD’s he brought, particularly the bands Metallica, Megadeth, and Slayer. I had never heard music like that before, but to say I fell in love wouldn’t tell the whole story. That car ride is actually one of the most vivid memories I have from that time period because how much it affected me. After the trip I started listening to tons of metal, and trying to learn a lot of the songs I listened to on guitar. Honestly, that was the first time I listened to music that I wanted to listen to, and not just music that my parents or brother played. When I think about that moment, I think to myself that Jeremy literally got the ball of my musical world rolling so to speak. I can’t express in words how much that meant, and still means to me to this day as I still love that music that I heard for the first time 10 years ago.

If that was the only way Jeremy had impacted my life, that would still be huge, but it’s not. Jeremy brought me into the classical guitar world when he started the guitar ensemble at Fulmore Middle. That’s a world where I’ve met best friend I’ve ever had, where I went to McCallum specifically to improve at the guitar, where I’ve gotten the opportunity to go to the University I wanted to attend since I was in middle school, and a world where I get to work with truly wonderful, kind, and intelligent people at ACG doing what I love to do. It’s crazy for me to think how if Jeremy hadn’t been around all those years ago, I truly don’t know what I would be doing. The way that I see it, Jeremy set me on this path that I’ve followed the last 10 years and words really can’t express how grateful I am.

Liz Cass, ACG Board Member & Armstrong Community Music School Executive Director:

I am beyond lucky to have Jeremy as my dear good long-time friend. He’s one of the most caring, compassionate, hilarious, fun, loving people I know.  He brings an incredible depth of integrity and artistry to everything he does from playing his guitar to teaching his beloved students to all of his interactions with the people in his life. I once heard him describe a friend as “God’s prototype”. I guess it takes one to know one, because the title fits for Jeremy too.

Alex Lew, Former Student:

Jeremy Osborne is an all around incredible person. If I had to choose a single word to describe him, it would hands down be “inspiring”. Osborne single handedly steered me into a path that I have grown to love so much, and I feel privileged to have felt his influence in my upbringing; not only as a guitarist, but as a genuinely good person. Of course, Jeremy is a creative, and that should always be admired; but I have always loved the way the he isn’t afraid of throwing himself into situations that others may fear, which has made me realize that we are not limited by anything but our own minds. The fact that he is able to touch other people’s lives as he has touched mine is humbling, as we should all strive to be like Jeremy Osborne.

Honorable Judge Darlene Byrne, 126th Judicial District Court:

Jeremy has such a heart for kids that have come from very hard places.  In his work at Gardner Betts with our youth there, he provides a platform for kids to shine – maybe for the first time ever.  Through his amazing skill as a musician and teacher, he helps these young people see their potential for growth, helps them find a way to cope with their significant life stresses through music, and challenges them to strive ever harder to be their best selves.  Thank you Jeremy on behalf of the courts, the probation department, the children and their families that you have tirelessly served through ACG.

Elaine Kasper, ACG Board Member:

I am thrilled to write a note to celebrate Jeremy Osborne! I have had the joy of observing him teach several times. Each time, I was amazed to see his calm and confident presence connect with every student – whether it was during the summer working with students for the I/We project, students at Gardner Betts, or at Kealing Middle School.

Students and faculty are comfortable asking for his advice, direction, and suggestions with teaching and learning strategies. His skills are an asset to ACG and we are incredibly lucky to have him!!

Francisco de la Rosa, Former Student:

Mr. Osborne is an amazing person.  I have been very fortunate when it comes to role models in my life and I am proud to say that Mr. Osborne has been one of the most influential people who has inspired the music path I follow today.  

Mr. Osborne is also an inspiring educator, not only because he is passionate and dedicated to music, but because he invests in every student’s life. Not only does he have the outstanding ability to help students feel confident in their musical potential, but is also willing to help with other academic subjects when needed.

The most significant quality is his compassion.  His ability to genuinely sit down with individuals and simply listen to them during the difficult and best of times in their lives, is inspiring.

Francisco (left) and Jeremy dressed as Francisco (right)

One of the fondest memories out of many that I have from our Akins High School ensemble, was when Mr. Osborne surprised all of us at the Fall Festival concert dressed up as me.  It was a humorous and heartwarming experience that someone that I look up to took the time to dress up like me for Halloween.

I congratulate Mr. Osborne on his ten years with ACG, and I know my story is one of many of how inspiring Jeremy Osborne has been in that time frame.


Kendal Gladish, ACG Board Member:

I think Jeremy is quietly fearless, in that he welcomes challenge and approaches large workloads, students at many levels, and teachers who need coaching with a persistent and cheerful determination that inspires confidence and comfort. I cannot imagine this talented man being daunted by difficulty–he believes in himself and ACG’s mission–and will simply find ways to help his students succeed. We are all better for having Jeremy as a colleague and friend.

David & Karen Osborne, Jeremy’s Parents:

Our dearest son, Jeremy Osborne
So, so proud of you always, and this recognition is so deserved. From the time you were born, music has always been a part of your life. When the trumpet and middle school band didn’t suit you (although you were amazing at it), you told us you wanted to try the guitar. So lessons, the Squares, your college experiences all made you into the musician you are today. And much more than that, you are such a kind, loving, talented wonderful person and we are so blessed to call you our son. We can’t wait to see how much more the world has in store for you!! With our deepest love and affection, Mom and Dad

Dallas Shreve, Dobie Middle School Guitar:

Jeremy has been such an amazing mentor and friend. When I started the guitar program at Dobie four years ago, I had only taught private, one-on-one lessons.   When I took on the task of having 25 new 6th-grade guitarists at a time in a classroom, I had no clue what I was about to experience.  Jeremy mentored me for nearly two years and helped me take one of the “toughest” Title I schools in Austin to sweepstakes at concert and sight reading.  He is such a kind soul as well, always helping me find things to improve on and leaves me feeling encouraged and inspired, either by his playing or simply his presence in the room.  What a wonderful light he is!

Makena Smith, Former Student:

Mr. Osborne didn’t just teach us how to play guitar. He taught us to work hard for success, to believe in ourselves, how to work as an ensemble, and how to support each other. He gave us challenges and made us proud to be a part of our guitar program. Mr. Osborne is one of my greatest role models and  I will never forget the wisdom, opportunities, and experiences he gave my peers and I. There was not a day guitar rehearsal went by where we weren’t excited to see Mr. Osborne.

A student’s depiction of Jeremy conducting Makena to a Villa-Lobos piece.

Miguel Rodriguez, Former Student:

I have known Mr. Osborne since my 6th grade year in middle school. And he had been in my life for those following years until I graduated high school. Through those years he taught me how to enjoy and understand music but he also taught me how to laugh at the small things and how to enjoy life through said music! He was my teacher yes, but he was also my mentor, and my friend who I enjoyed seeing everyday in class. I owe a part of who I am today to him! I will always remember and thank my friend who taught me how play.