Our COVID Protocols
Thank you for choosing to experience beauty with Austin Classical Guitar. We look to inspire one another through kindness and creativity, while maintaining safe and thoughtful practices.
For all of our in-person concerts and educational programming, including ensembles and classes, we have adopted the guidelines below, which are based on the City of Austin’s Community Level of Risk (online here).
Regardless of the greater community’s risk level at the time of an event, we ask that you do not attend your concert or class if you, or anyone in your household or group, are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, or if you have been directly exposed to someone who has tested positive within 7 days.
ACG staff, crew, volunteers, and artists all comply with these guidelines.
ACG Event Guidelines based on Austin’s Level of Risk
- Low/Medium: Events will be full capacity with masks optional but recommended.
- High: Masks are mandatory for all attendees. Food and drinks will not be served. Reduced capacity seating may be implemented, affecting reserved seat assignments.
Specific accommodations may vary by event, location, and other factors. We will provide detailed information via email to participants prior to the event.
Full refunds or exchanges are available by request anytime prior to the event, regardless of stage.
Please note: Many of our major concerts will be available as live-streams. Check our events calendar for details.
Questions or comments about our COVID Protocols? Call 512-300-2247