Austin Classical Guitar Committee Chair Resource Page

Below you will find helpful resources for chairing an ACG committee.

Dear Committee Chairs,

Thank you for agreeing to lead an ACG Committee! 

As you prepare to work with your committee members, we hope you’ll seek to align your agendas and time together with ACG’s Five Elements: Belonging, Personal Responsibility, Small Challenges and Victories, Performance, and Celebration.

When creating agendas for any ACG meeting it is important to consider not only what you are trying to accomplish but also who will be there and why we do what we do. 

In comprehending who and why you may wish to include space for individuals to talk about their personal successes or challenges, you may also wish to include opportunities to people to share their observations of the shiniest things they’ve recently perceived in the ACG universe, or you may become aware of something particularly notable within ACG or amongst those who will be gathering that you wish to highlight. An advance personal conversation is always a good idea, especially where big decisions or special recognition is involved.

An outline of helpful practical points and responsibilities is listed below, along with both a sample outline of an agenda and a sample of the framework for writing minutes. We hope these will be a useful starting point for your own committees.  

We’re here to answer any questions you may have along the way, so please feel free to reach out anytime. 

Thanks again, and have a great experience doing important work with your group!


-The ACG Team

(512) 300-2247

Committee Chair Responsibilities: 

1. Prepare and distribute committee agendas.

Guidelines for setting your agenda: 

  • See sample agenda template* for format sample. 
  • Review notes from previous committee meeting and board meeting to identify items for which the committee has responsibility to discuss. 
  • Consult with staff liaison(s). 
  • Include space for committee members to add agenda items or discussions. 
  • Include next meeting date on agenda (be sure to accommodate holidays and/or big events). 

How to distribute agendas and minutes: 

  • Send out the committee agenda five or more days before the committee meeting.
  • Email to committee members, pertinent ACG staff, and carbon copy this email address: [email protected].
  • Subject line should follow this format: YYYYMMDD [Committee Name] [Item Name] 

for example: 20190214 Finance Committee Agenda

  • Formatting: Agendas and Minutes can appear in the body of the email or as an attachment.

2. Prepare and distribute meeting minutes.

Guidelines for preparing meeting minutes:

  • Determine a member of the committee (usually the chair), to distribute committee minutes.
  • See sample minutes template** for format sample.
  • Include list of people present. 
  • Capture key discussion points and action steps. 
  • Avoid long narratives, minutes should be no longer than one page.
  • Use agenda as outline for writing the minutes. 

Distribute Minutes – see above “How to distribute agendas and minutes”

3. Fulfill responsibilities outlined in the bylaws and committee charters and ensure that each member is valued and participating. 

4. Fulfill and/or delegate actions steps between committee and board meetings.


*Agenda Template – see tab “Sample Agenda”

**Agenda Minutes – see ta “Sample Minutes”

Here is the link for the sample agenda.

Here is the link for the sample minutes.

Austin Classical Guitar Board of Directors Committee Schedule


Meeting Locations:

      • Virtual Meetings via Zoom Video Conferencing (link will be distributed by meeting host).
      • Physical Meetings at the ACG Office (3908 Avenue B, Suite 116, Austin TX 78751).

Schedule of ACG Board of Directors (BOD) Meetings:

      • Second Thursday of odd months (September, November, etc.) from 11:30am-1pm at the ACG Office (address above)

Schedule of BOD Committee Meetings*:

Committee meetings subject to change – please refer to committee chairs.

Please click here to view committee charters.

Committee Chairs

Please click here to view committee chairs.