FG Squared is a fantastic and innovative Austin-based Web Design and Interactive Marketing firm in Austin led by one of our favorite people, Steve Golab.  I met Steve years ago, but we first had an opportunity to work together when he and FG Squared offered generous assistance building the event website for Austin Goes Classical (the giant 2010 community-wide music festival we presented at the Long Center surrounding our hosting of GFA).  With around 2,000 people a night for a full week for our evening presentations at that festival, we sold thousands and thousands of tickets, and the vast majority of the patrons learned about the event, and got connected, through the web site that Steve and his team deigned and built for us!

Since then we’ve been working together quite closely.  FG Squared recently redesigned our international curriculum website at GuitarCurriculum.com, and they are also the developers of our next major education project (a substantial online training program for classroom guitar teachers).

Why talk about FG Squared right now?  Because they have donated their services to us again, this time to build the event website for Austin Pictures!  We love the site, and not only did they build something grander than we imagined, they added complete Facebook integration this time around… meaning our AustinPictures.org site lives not only in it’s own domain, but also – fully functioning – on the Austin Classical Guitar Society’s Facebook Page.

I sat down to talk with FG Squared owner Steve Golab to learn a bit more about this remarkable Austin business.

Matthew Hinsley: What are some core principles or values that define FG Squared?

Steve Golab:

The first is: Follow your passion.  In the grand scheme of things, you need to be disciplined and work just a little harder than the average person to become a thought leader in an area that you presently hobby in.  However, at some point, you must commit yourself completely to your journey if you are going to achieve total mastery. True commitment means that you will spend extra time, money, and other resources to meet your promises even if when you are not guaranteed to directly benefit as a result.

The second is: Establish a clear sense of purpose.  Manage your time obsessively.  You can’t do everything at once, nor should you.  Once you have clarity of purpose, it is easier to prioritize how you spend your time.  Focus your time on matters related to your purpose and passion.

The third is: Details.  The small things add up.  It’s important to double-check and consider even mundane items.  Spell check?  Does your math add up?  Are you using the correct format?  Has anyone beside yourself looked at this and provided comments?

The fourth is: Be agile.  If first you don’t succeed, call it version 1.0.  By keeping a flexible mindset, it will be easier to adapt and respond to major changes in your industry and endure the ups and downs that you will inevitably encounter.

And finally: Celebrate the Journey.  Get some perspective and give back to your community. Live by example and become a mentor to others.   Find a mentor and commit yourself to a lifelong learning.

MH: You have been remarkably generous with us, and others, in Austin.  Why do you feel it’s important to give back to our community?

SG: Community is the structure of belonging that fosters abundance thinking, the realization that we already have everything we need to survive and thrive even through the hard times.  I’ve lived in Austin for over 20 years now, and my wife Shawna and I are will raise our daughter Ava here.  The health of our community is important to our family.

MH: You and your team were a big part of our success at Austin Goes Classical, and we’re extremely grateful to have your help again with Austin Pictures.  Is there anything in particular about Austin Pictures that led you to wish to sponsor it?

SG: It’s going to be a once in a lifetime celebration…. so many creative geniuses at a premiere local venue for an important cause – community outreach and education. Education is at the forefront of local economic development.  I’m very grateful for the opportunity to be affiliated with ACGS and Austin Pictures.

MH: Is there anything else you’d like to share?

SG: I’d love to hear from your patrons – especially – 1: Visit our Facebook Page, “Like” our page, and leave us a comment.  2. Think about whether you know any small business owners who would benefit from selling their products on Facebook.  That is an exciting area that we are particularly learning to specialize in.