Austin Classical Guitar Youth Orchestra Debut Tonight (11/10)!

We are so excited for the concert debut of ACGYO tonight!

The group did an amazing job with their preview show at FlamencoAustin a few weeks ago, and we are definitely ready for more.

The concert is today, Sunday, November 10th, at 5PM at St. Martin’s Lutheran Church (15th & Rio Grande).

It’s free, a reception will follow, the kids will play Albeniz, Granados and Vivaldi with special guest soloist appearances from Isaac Bustos and Alejandro Montiel.

ACGYO is made possible by a generous gift from Dr. Michael Froehls – read our interview with Dr. Froehls online here.

Our terrific photographer, Arlen Nydam, captured some fantastic shots of the kids playing at the Long Center, here are a few:

The whole group – they were dazzling, and what a stage!


A close up of the action – that’s Dr. Joseph V. Williams II conducting – amazing attention to detail!


…and the crowd goes wild!
