Susana Diaz-Lopez graduated last spring from Travis High School and is attending Del Mar College on a full scholarship. Travis High School, a four year old program directed by Susan Rosanc, is one of the only schools to receive all “Outstanding” ratings at least year’s Austin Concert and Sight Reading Assessment event. We were delighted to receive this reflection from Susana about Travis High, about Ms. Rosanc, about the lessons ACG provided her with Brent Ferguson, and about her future plans.
Guitar meant a lot to me in high school because, when I was little, my dad used to play and sing for my brothers and I. That’s where my passion for music started. I always wanted to be a singer, but when I grew up I drifted away and became interested in other things. When I got to Travis High School Ms. Susan Rozanc persuaded me to join the guitar class. I was also immediately curious, but what really grabbed me was the first time I actually played a piece. It made me feel strong, unstoppable. It’s hard to describe, but it was an amazing feeling.
Ms. Rozanc was an great teacher. I think that she is a big part of the reason I feel like nothing is impossible. She always believed that we could get Outstanding Ratings at UIL, and we did. Even though others didn’t believe in us, she pushed us and got us there. Mr. Ferguson believed that I had potential. I remember him telling me that he used me as an example to motivate my best friend to practice! His belief motivated me also. Both Ms.Rozanc and Mr. Ferguson have kept up with my progress in school and still give me advice to help build my composition portfolio, even though I am not their student any more. They are still there for me.
I’m now studying Music Theory and Composition at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi. I was offered a full ride to come here. Senior year Dr. Abel Ramirez from Del Mar College gave a band clinic at Travis High School before UIL. At a break he called me over and asked me about my plans after high school. I told him I wanted to compose, and eventually own my own studio. He offered me a deal that made it possible for me to attend Del Mar. My goal ultimately is to transfer to UCLA.
Looking ahead I want to write film scores. I want people to feel what I feel when I hear movie soundtracks. I want people to know the power of music. I also hope to make my own albums, and I still have a goal of owning my own recording studio. I want to be a great composer, and I want to help the people in need. I want people to have the same opportunities that I have had.
Most importantly I want my mom to be proud of me. I want to prove to everyone who told us that we couldn’t achieve our goals, that we could. And I promise that I will make my dreams come true, no matter what.