2023-24 ACG Education Report

The 24-25 school year is underway. ACG is investing a million dollars in our education services this year. As you’ll read in the report below, ACG Education enriches the lives of thousands of young people and families in communities near and far. If you are inspired by this work we hope you will consider making a gift as part of our Fall Fund Drive. Click here to donate.

2023-24 was filled with important organizational milestones, beautiful individual moments, and progress toward our strategic goal of scaling our services nationwide. We are excited to share many points of light in this report, but we’d like to begin with our why:

Music education in school does great things for students, it’s been proven in decades of studies, and new data we’ll share in this report will underline just how powerful it can be. 

Guitar is the world’s most popular instrument, and when programs are built with care and rigor, we can bring new and different students to these proven benefits on a massive scale. 

When we learned that enrollment in our partner programs in Austin ISD surpassed both orchestra and choir district-wide, we asked ourselves: ‘What if we could do this in every major metro area in the nation?’ 

After 22 years building the resources, training protocols, and real-world applications of guitar program building, we believe we have the unique skills and knowledge to make a major positive change in American music education, which in turn will have a large-scale impact on tens of thousands of young people in the coming years.


Travis Marcum, Director of Education
Austin Classical Guitar


Music is our medium for connection, and it’s through connection that we make positive change. The key to it all is our people. Classes and concerts can be safe and inspiring places for growth and belonging if the people involved bring care and wisdom to their approach. 

Therefore, our most important and most significant investment has always been in the amazing and dedicated individuals who make up our team, and then radiate out our values through modeling and training.

In the past twelve months we’re ecstatic to have brought four very special people onto our team: Phil Swasey, Jordan Sanchez, Alex Lew, and Rey Rodriguez.

Phil Swasey joined us last summer as our Director of Curriculum and Partnerships. A thirteen-year veteran teacher, Phil now leads advancements in our technology and curriculum, especially GuitarCurriculum and our method books, and is laying the groundwork for scaling partnership. Jordan Sanchez joined us this summer as our Education Project Manager. With Five years of public school teaching experience, Jordan is already revolutionizing our approach to information management and customer service, adding critical components for responsible growth. Both graduates of ACG Education, Alex Lew and Rey Rodriguez have joined our Teaching Artist team working both with our community ensembles and individual lessons programming.


Since 2008 GuitarCurriculum has been our primary engine at ACG Education. A first-of-its-kind classroom guitar teacher resource, GuitarCurriculum houses all of the music teachers actually use in the classroom, along with sequencing, audio and video resources, and a range of other support materials for teachers.

We are absolutely thrilled to announce the release of a brand new GuitarCurriculum website in September 2024. A result of 6-months of work and investment, and years of dreaming and development, the new website provides superior performance for teachers, and superior data and customer service support for ACG. 


In the past year we have been able to connect directly to an AISD student data reporting tool called eCST. eCST allows us to pull aggregate performance data about students in our programs across the district, and compare performance directly to non-guitarist peers matched by campus and demographic. This is a powerful new opportunity to view the impact of ACG education beyond the guitar classroom. Many studies of this nature are weakened because they compare students who self-select music instruction broadly with students who do not, allow a range of other socio-economic factors to come into play when comparing academic or behavioral performance. These problems are mitigated by these data, however, because of our ability with eCST to match students by campus and demographic, even when pulling information from many campuses. 

Our new website will also include our first-ever student portal, filled with materials produced to engage our students and support out-of-school practice. Spanish language support materials, including tutorial videos, will launch with student portal as well, and a new Spanish-language method book is currently in production.



While most of our development work is focused in the United States, occasionally we bet on particularly promising leaders elsewhere who we know will amplify our resources. Such is the case with Ravindra Paudyal in Nepal and Bosco Segawa in Uganda. With our assistance, Ravindra has developed beautiful classes for kids in central Kathmandu, and Bosco is now adding guitar as a central component in the orphanages he runs in Uganda where they just received our shipment of thirty guitars. We Hope you enjoy these videos.


In July 2024 we trained over one hundred teachers in three summits in Austin, Columbia (South Carolina), and St. Louis. That’s the most in one summer since before COVID. Our team also traveled and spoke at state music education conferences in Texas, South Carolina, New York, and Kentucky, and conducted or assisted with major district events in Loudoun County (Virginia), Austin, Houston, Dallas, and Denton Texas. 

At every teacher summit our participants engage in three days of intense and joyful work improving their skills as educators and artists. As part of the training experience, they also make beautiful music together whether they’ve played guitar their whole lives, or are picking one up for the first time on day one of the summit! We do this because we’re all about making beautiful music with everyone, and we do this because frequently in public schools teachers must accommodate students at different skill levels in the same room at the same time. We hope you enjoy this beautiful performance of GuitarCurriculum repertoire from our South Carolina 2024 summit.


With programs now in almost every Austin ISD school, and partners in San Marcos, Manor, Hutto, and San Antonio, this region is by far our largest service area. We are thrilled to report new middle school programs developing in both Hutto and San Marcos this year. With this many programs (60+) and national teacher turnover trends rising, we are extremely busy training and supporting all of the new teachers walking into guitar classes for the first time this fall. Their readiness translates directly into the quality of student experience with music, and we want to get it right.

For twenty-three years we have been investing in free individual lessons for students who would not otherwise be able to afford them. This is a transformative program, and many of the ‘full-circle’ stories we’ve shared over the years–students graduating and later returning as professionals to work with us–directly relate to this program. We increased our investment in free lessons from $50,000 to $80,000 from 2023 to 2024, grew the number of contract teaching artists from 13 to 16, and increased the number of students served from 52 to 77.

June 2024 saw our first ACG Summer Camp, a scholarship-assisted experience at our Rosette headquarters. This camp provided twenty students from across our community with a supportive and creative summer focused on music. Throughout the camp, students engaged in large and small ensemble work, collaborating daily to prepare a beautiful program of music to share with friends and family. Six exceptional artists joined the campers, offering performances, masterclasses, and interactive workshops, including sessions on composition and improvisation. For our staff, this camp was also an opportunity to develop a prototype for an affordable, engaging summer program that all Austin students can access, with plans to expand in future summers.


In addition to our juvenile justice programs serving youth in residential facilities in the Austin area and Dallas, we are pleased to announce a new program at Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) in the 2023/24 school year. Working in this secure day facility has given our director, Hector Aguilar, the opportunity to bring the joy and connection of music to students who are not incarcerated at a facility like Gardner Betts, but may be on a track toward increased disciplinary action. We are still operating thriving programs in Travis County’s Gardner Betts facility, Williamson County Juvenile Services, and Dallas County’s Henry Wade and Medlock facilities. We are especially pleased to welcome long-term colleague, Noe Garcia, to our contract teaching team, who is now directing our Dallas program.

After years of development, we are also pleased to announce the start of our Long-Term Engagement Project for students who have been released from juvenile detention. In 2023-24 ACG contract teacher Willem Flowers, has been seeing several students, carrying the critical connections music brought them while incarcerated into their life in the community. 

In Williamson County we were invited to present for the Mental Health in Schools conference. ACG Director of Education, Travis Marcum, presented at the conference, and led a student interview.


2024-25 is the 25th season for our Community Ensemble programs under the leadership of ACG Director of Community Education Tony Mariano! With the additional last year of the South Austin Guitar Ensemble, and this summer’s addition of a third youth ensemble, our total number of community ensembles has grown to 6, serving over seventy-five people on a weekly basis.

Perhaps most notable in 2023-24, the ACG Youth Orchestra celebrated its tenth anniversary with a tour in Spain in early June. You can see the amazing photos in a day-by-day travel blog here. You can also read a lovely reflection written by ACG intern Micaela Creo here.


Braille Learning

We received the most wonderful email from Kim, a student in the Netherlands who has been using our LetsPlayGuitar Braille lifelong learning resource to learn guitar. Kim wrote:

“Thank you so much for answering my mail request. But most of all, thanks for creating the LetsPlayGuitar course! It was such a joy to find a fully accessible course for the classical guitar.

“I have finished all 8 levels now, although I guess it will take me some time to play all pieces in the indicated tempo. I’ll keep working on that (probably the rest of my life…).

But while I am working on that, I would like very much to have access to additional music in braille. And if possible, in downloadable, BRF format.

“I am from The Netherlands, and braille material for the classical guitar is very limited here. So, I was very happy to find your course on the internet. I am completely blind. I played the audio parts of your course, via an Iphone with VoiceOver, and I read the 40 braille scores on a braille display.”

Kim went on to give us some excellent suggestions for how to make our resource even better. Thank you Kim.


In February 2024, after eight months of preparation, 65 student guitarists, the five professional singers of VAMP, bassoonist Kristin Wolf Jensen, and guitar soloist Dieter Hennings took the stage to perform the world premiere of one of our most ambitious projects ever: Presence.

Our 2023-24 season theme was Presence, inviting everyone in our community to reflect on the transformative power of bringing one’s whole self to each moment, be it solitary or with others. Artistic Director Joe Williams paired with Education Director Travis Marcum and worked alongside superstar composer and ACG Artist In Residence Reena Esmail to make an enthralling work developed in partnership with the community. Events such as this are sparks for inspired learning, they exceed expectations and stretch everyone involved to new heights, and the result is unforgettable. Enjoy.


As we shared at the beginning of this report, we believe we are poised for a new era of service at ACG Education. After twenty-three years of innovation and replication, with remarkable and lasting results on generations of students, we believe it’s time to scale our programs across Texas and the US at a new rate.

We’d like to close with the introduction of a new idea: spark. For a decade we have been referring to our change agents as beauty and kindness. Beauty is our organizing principle, it’s what gets us together for concerts, or causes us to work together in the classroom to refine our skills. At the same time, so much of the change we see in humans over time, and the success of our growing community, is a result of intentional kindness. You might think of beauty as the nucleus and kindness as the electron that, together, make up the atom that is ACG. 

To this powerful equation, we’d like to offer a new observation. In the fertile context of beauty and kindness, we have come to realize that sparks of inspiration – unexpected projects, stretch goals, moments of sublime beauty, or joyful collaboration – become catalysts for transformation. Presence, our bold 2024 project with Reena Esmail, is a perfect example of spark. 

This is a significant learning. It is significant because the better we understand how we successfully make positive change in the world, the better we will be able to scale and replicate our service elsewhere. GuitarCurriculum is our sequential method, the Five Elements are our guiding behaviors, and we now understand our change agents to be beauty, kindness, and spark.


ACG Education services are only possible because of the generosity of people who share our belief in the power of music to positively transform lives. We would like to extend an extra special thanks to the following institutions and individuals for their significant financial support over the past year:

The Ben & Nancy Sander Family, Meadows Foundation, Augustine Foundation, Cain Foundation, Kaman Foundation, Tim & Karrie League, Webber Family Foundation, W.D. Kelley Foundation, Still Water Foundation, Rea Charitable Trust, Texas Commission on the Arts, Greg Wooldridge & Lynne Dobson, Lucy & Bill Farland, atsec information security, H-E-B, Kodosky Foundation, Bill & Lynne Cariker, Robert Rodriguez, Applied Materials Foundation, Ernest & Sarah Butler, Louis & Mary Kay Smith Family Foundation, Mary Raley, Seawell Elam Foundation, Texas Bar Foundation, Gail Vanderlee Strain, Jacqueline Rixen, Stacia & Walt DeBill, Louise Epstein & John Henry McDonald, Mercedes-Benz of Austin, Mockingbird Foundation, Warren Skaaren Charitable Trust, The D’Addario Foundation, 3M Foundation, Debra Lewis, Carson & Michele McKowen, Ameriprise Financial Community Relations, Arnold Foundation, Linda McDavitt, Megyn Busse, Sangeeta Kaur & Hai Nguyen, MFS Fund at the North Georgia Community Foundation, Rotary Club of Austin – University Area, Shanti Foundation for Intercultural Understanding, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Zack & Whitney Zamora, Austin Junior Forum, Free Guitars For Kids – FG4K, Robert Reynolds & Kelly Raley, Lloyd & Ferrell Pond, Jim & Jennifer Judkins, Russ & Janey Trowbridge, Kelley Bowen, Sandra Bosley, CAPTRUST, Jewish Communal Fund, Jim & Marion Jirsa, Ruth J Rubio, Tom & Judy Taylor, and Anonymous Donors