The GuitarCurriculum.com National Teacher Summit is a 3-day intensive workshop designed to prepare teachers who are new to the guitar classroom and to improve the playing and instruction of experienced guitar teachers. You will participate in a combination of technique, pedagogy, conducting and advocacy workshops with hands-on teaching and feedback.
We’re so excited to share three days of inspiration, information, and fun with you! Check out the schedule below:
South Carolina Summit Schedule 2023
Friday, July 28th
8:30am Registration
9:00am Orientation
10:00am Beautiful Music Making From Day 1
11:00am Technique and Analyses of Level 1
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Level 2 & Elementary w/ Chris Ortiz
2:30pm Breakouts Sessions
3:30pm Large Group Rehearsal
5:00pm Reception
6:00pm Done
Saturday, July 29th
9:00am Big Group Warm Up/Rehearsal
10:00am Building the Guitar Infrastructure
11:00am Level 3, Transitioning to Alternation & Elementary w/Chris Ortiz
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Breakout Sessions
2:30pm Planning the Year
3:30pm Large Group Concert/Recording
5:00pm Concert with Marco Sartor
6:00pm Done